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Scientific Writing Course Offered


Notice of Scientific Writing Course Selection

(Spring semester, 2019)

      The course of scientific writing in English in the format of lecture and case studies will be offered from May 27th to May 31th, 2019 on the following schedule at the First building Room 505#. Course QQ group number: 1018690464.If you are interested, please enroll this course at FOOD SCIENCE & TECHOLOGY COLLEGE building 210# office .

Instructors: Zhiyou Wen, Yan Li

Format: Lecture and case studies. The sample papers submitted by the students will be used as cases for the class discussion.

Location: the First building Room 505#

Time Schedule/topics:

Morning Session

(10 am-11:45 am)

Afternoon Session

(2:30 pm-4:10 pm)

Monday (5.27)

General introduction

How to   highlight the novelty of your paper

Tuesday (5.28)

How to   write “introduction” section

How to write “results and discussion”

Wednesday (5.29)

How to   write “results and discussion”

How to write “materials and methods”   section

Thursday (5.30)

How to write “abstract and conclusion”   section

Friday (5.31)

Other   section (cover letter; cover page, formatting)

Q & A sections or paper revisions

Teaching Plan of Scientific Writing

College of Food Science and Technology, HZAU

Available in spring of 2019

Description: Scientific writing is an indispensible step of the scientific process through which research findings are effectively communicated and research outcomes are added to the body of scientific knowledge. This course is given in lecture and in case studies. Writing skills and guidance in each chapter of journal papers will be discussed. The sample manuscript will be modified during the course for the illustration of writing techniques. Moreover the procedure and demands of publishing a scientific paper will be clarified. Experiment design, data analyses and formulation thereof into journal papers will be discussed.

Text book: None. Course slides will be provided to students. Taking your laptop if necessary for the discussion and revision of manuscripts.

Performance assessment: The assessment contains two parts: (i) Manuscript modified by each participant at the end of the course (70 %); (ii) Attendance to the course and participation in the discussion during the course (30 %).

Course outline (one week):

Lecture 1: General introduction and how to highlight the novelty of your paper

Lecture 2: How to write "Introduction"

Lecture 3: How to write "Results and Discussion"

Lecture 4: How to write "Materials and Methods"

Lecture 5: How to write "Abstract and Conclusion"

Lecture 6: How to write "Cover letter, cover page and formatting"

Lecture 7: Q&A sections or paper revisions


[1] Robert A. Day, Barbara Gastel, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 6th edition, 2006,03

[2] Margaret Cargill, Patrick O’Connor, Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps, 2013.06

[3] 李达,李玉成,李春艳,SCI论文写作解析综合教程,2012.08

[4] Angelika H. Hofmann, Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 2012.08

[5] 吴红梅,黄佩娟,英语科技论文写作,2013.09

[6] Websitehttp://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-822310-804115.html

Assisted Materials:

1. Angelika H. Hofmann, Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 2012.08

2. 吴红梅,黄佩娟,英语科技论文写作,2013.09

3. Websitehttp://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-822310-804115.html

Zhiyou Wen

Iowa State University

Ames, Iowa 50010

Phone: (540) 429 5820

E-mail: wenz@iastate.edu

Dr. Wen is Professor at Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University. He received a B.S. in biochemical engineering and an M.S. in chemical engineering at East China University of Science and Technology in P. R. China, and a PhD in biochemical engineering at University of Hong Kong. He joined the falculty in 2005 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and at Iowa State University since 2010. He is currently associated director of Bioeconomy Institute at Iowa State University and co-founder and chief technology officer at Gross-Wen Technologies Inc. in U.S. The current research of Dr. Wen focuses on three areas: (1) microalgal cultivation for waste water treatment and producing value-added products; (2) lignocellulosic biomass utilization for producing fuels and chemicals using a thermochemical biological hydrid processing; and (3) microbial carbon precipitation through anaerobic digestion.

Dr. Wen has published nearly a hundred of journal papers as corresponding author with citation of 5149 and h-index of 35. He also participated in book writing for up to nine chapters in seven publishers. In addition to the adequate publishing experiences, Dr. Wen has taught courses related with food engineering and biomass and bioenergy courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. He is also heavily engaged in mentoring and working with undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.


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