2005-2009 华中农业大学、食品科学与工程、学士 2009-2014 华中农业大学、食品科学、博士(硕博连读) 2012-2014 英属哥伦比亚大学、食品科学、联合培养博士
2014-2016 华中农业大学 讲师 2016-至今 华中农业大学 副教授 2017-2018 建始县食品药品监督管理局 副局长(湖北省第六批博士服务团)
1.中国科协青年人才托举工程(2019-2021年度),国家级,2019-2021 2.高场强超声波环境下大豆蛋白质乳状液构建机制的多尺度研究(面上),国家级,2019-2022 3.基于高场强超声波对大豆蛋白的“降聚增活效应”探讨其增强冷凝胶性的机理,国家级,2015-2018 4.建始县豆制品深加工研发与示范,部级,2019-2020 5.四季储藏环境对大豆蛋白质超声乳化性的影响机制研究,部级,2017-2019 6.冲泡型方便中式面产业化关键技术研发与示范,省级,2015-2017 7.高场强超声分子修饰大豆蛋白促进冷凝胶形成机理,省级,2015-2016 8.基于高场强超声对聚集大豆分离蛋白的降聚效应研究其促进冷凝胶形成机理,部级,2015-2016 9.系列固体饮料开发,横向课题,2019-2021 10.植物蛋白饮料(大豆、花生)系列产品开发及品质提升,横向课题,2020-2023 11.一种“多食材且营养均衡”的固体饮料工艺开发,横向课题,2016-2018 12.自热素菜食品品质精准调控技术研究与产品研制,国家级,2018-2020
一、论文 1. Ahmed Taha, Eman Abdelaziz, Amr Ismaiel, Muthupandian Ashokkumar, Xiaoyun Xu, Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. Ultrasonic emulsification: An overview on the preparation of different emulsifiers-stabilized emulsions. Trend in Food Science & Technology, (2020) 105: 363-377. (SCI, 影响因子11.077,Top期刊) 2. Ting Zheng , Xiaohui Li, Ahmed Taha, Yue Wei, Tan Hu, Pijiar Beyna Fatamorgana, Zhuo Zhang, Fengxia Liu, Xiaoyun Xu, Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. Effect of high intensity ultrasound on the structure and physicochemical properties of soy protein isolates produced by different denaturation methods. Food Hydrocolloids, (2019) 97: 105216. (SCI, 影响因子7.053,Top期刊) 3. Ahmed Taha, Eman Ahmed, Tan Hu, Xiaoyun Xu, Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. Effects of different ionic strengths on the physicochemical properties of plant and animal proteins-stabilized emulsions fabricated using ultrasound emulsification. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (2019) 58: 104627.(SCI, 影响因子6.513,Top期刊) 4. Ahmed Taha, Tan Hu, Zhuo Zhang, Amr M. Bakry, Ibrahim Khalifa, Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. Effect of different oils and ultrasound emulsification conditions on the physicochemical properties of emulsions stabilized by soy protein isolate. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (2018) 49: 283-293.(SCI, 影响因子6.513,Top期刊) 5. Wenhui Lv, Tan Hu, Ahmed Taha, Zhongkun Wang, Xiaoyun Xu, Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. Lipo-Dipeptide as an Emulsifier: Performance and PossibleMechanism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2019) 67: 6377-6386. (SCI, 影响因子4.192,Top期刊) 6. Mengjie Geng,Tan Hu,Qi Zhou,Ahmed Taha,Lang Qin,Wenhui Lv,Xiaoyun Xu,Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. 7. Effects of different nut oils on the structures and properties of gel-like emulsions induced by ultrasound using soy protein as an emulsifier. International Journal of Food Science and Technology,(2020) First published: 16 September 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14786 (SCI, 影响因子2.773) 7. Bohui Liu , Hui Wang, Tan Hu, Peipei Zhang, Zhuo Zhang, Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. Ball-milling changed the physicochemical properties of SPI and its cold-set gels. Journal of Food Engineering (2017) 195: 158-165.(SCI, 影响因子4.499,Top期刊) 8. Moxi Zhou, Jian Liu, Yuanyuan Zhou, Xingjian Huang, Fengxia Liu, Siyi Pan, Hao Hu*. Effect of high intensity ultrasound on physicochemical and functional properties of soybean glycinin at different ionic strengths. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies (2016) 34: 205-213.(SCI, 影响因子4.477,Top期刊) 9. Peipei Zhang, Tan Hu, Shaolong Feng, Qi Xu, Ting Zheng, Moxi Zhou, Xueqi Chu, Xingjian Huang, Xiaonan Lu, Siyi Pan, Eunice C.Y. Li-Chan, Hao Hu*. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (2016) 29: 380-387.(SCI, 影响因子6.513,Top期刊) 10. 胡坦,张珮珮,郑婷,黄行健,潘思轶,胡昊*.高场强超声-加热联用增强大豆分离蛋白冷凝胶凝胶特性.农业工程学报 (2016) 32: 306-314. (EI) 11. Hao Hu, Jiahui Wu, Eunice C.Y. Li-Chan, Le Zhu, Fang Zhang, Xiaoyun Xu, Gang Fan, Lufeng Wang, Xingjian Huang, Siyi Pan*. Effects of ultrasound on structural and physical properties of soy protein isolate (SPI) dispersions.Food Hydrocolloids(2013)30(2):647-655(影响因子7.053,Top期刊). 12. Effect of high intensity ultrasound on transglutaminase-catalyzed soy protein isolate cold set gel Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, v 29, p 380-387, March 1, 2016 2016.01 13. Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment on formation of transglutaminase-catalysed soy protein hydrogel as a riboflavin vehicle for functional foods JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 2015.12 14. Effect of high intensity ultrasound on physicochemical and functional properties of aggregated soybean beta-conglycinin and glycinin FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS 2015.03 15. The effect of high intensity ultrasonic pre-treatment on the properties of soybean protein isolate gel induced by calcium sulfate FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS 2013.05 16. Acid-induced gelation behavior of soybean protein isolate with high intensity ultrasonic pre-treatments ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 2012.01 二、授权专利 1.一种乳液体系及其制备方法. ZL201711389320.0 发明专利. 2019.3.中国. 1/8.授权. 2.表面活性剂及其制备方法与应用、乳液. ZL201811619722.X 发明专利. 2020.9.中国. 1/7.授权. 3.一种快速提高大豆分离蛋白冷凝胶性的物理加工方法. ZL201611031550.9 发明专利. 2019.9.中国. 1/6.授权. 4.一种新型水凝胶及其制备方法. CN110066315A 发明专利. 2020.11.中国. 1/8.授权. 三、奖励 1.传统蔬菜制品现代化加工关键技术与装备集成,2020年中国食品科学技术学会科技创新奖一等奖,排名第4/10,2020.10。 2.第四届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业优秀指导老师、2018、中国互联网+大学生创新创业大赛组委会 3.互联网+大学生创新创业大赛湖北省金奖指导老师、2018、湖北省教育厅 4.华中农业大学教学质量三等奖、2018、华中农业大学 5.参与农业部十三五规划教材《软饮料工艺学》编写,负责植物蛋白饮料章节、2020 6.参编英文专著《Phytochemicals in Soybeans: Bioactivity and Health Benefits》编写,负责编写章节Effects of novel processing methods on the structure and functional properties of soy protein、2020 7.湖北省挑战杯大学生课外学术科技竞赛特等奖指导老师、2017、湖北省共青团、湖北省科协、湖北省教育厅、湖北省学联 8.湖北省大学生优秀科研成果奖一等奖指导老师、2016、湖北省教育厅 9.湖北省大学生优秀科研成果奖二等奖指导老师、2016、湖北省教育厅 10.湖北省大学生优秀科研成果奖二等奖指导老师、2017、湖北省教育厅 11.华中农业大学挑战杯大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀作品、2017、华中农业大学 12.华中农业大学“挑战杯”优秀指导老师、2017、华中农业大学 13.华中农业大学大学生科技创新十佳作品、2016、华中农业大学 14.华中农业大学校级优秀班主任、2017、华中农业大学办公室 15.华中农业大学科技创新优秀指导老师、2017、华中农业大学教务处 四、会议报告 1. Hao Hu. Effects of High Intensity Ultrasound on Soy Protein and Emulsions. 第四届亚洲-太平洋超声化学大会 (2019.9.19-9.21)南京.特邀报告. 2. Hao Hu.The Applications of High Intensity Ultrasoundin Soy Bean Protein Based Food Systems.2018 International Nonthermal Food Processing and Nutrition Symposium (2018.9.26-9.28)杭州.特邀报告. 3. 胡昊. 高场强超声波技术在大豆蛋白加工中的应用.中国科协第371青年科学家论坛暨2019粮油营养与健康青年科学家论坛 (2019.10.19-10.21)武汉.特邀报告. 4. 胡昊. 高场强超声波技术在大豆蛋白加工中的应用.2019年两岸三地食品安全与人类健康研讨会 (2019.8.29-8.31)哈尔滨.特邀报告. 5. Hao Hu. Effect of High Intensity Ultrasound on Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Soy Protein. (2016.8.8-8.10)哈尔滨.特邀报告.
1.被Ultrasonics Sonochemistry杂志评为杰出审稿人。 2.担任Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Food Hydrocolloids, LWT Food Science and Technology, Journal of Food Science等多家杂志的审稿人。
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